How To Bulletproof Your Immune System

Charlene Gisele practicing breathing surrounded by tress
Charlene Gisele, Health Coach

A healthy lymphatic system can boost your immune system, protecting you from all sorts of bugs, viruses and keeping you in peak condition. But how to keep yours functioning well? Health coach Charlene Gisele explains

Our bodies are biological wonders! They have the power to keep us healthy but we do need to learn how it functions to best optimise it: a well-functioning lymphatic system is key to this as it works with the immune system to combat infection and fight disease. Infections and disease can happen anywhere in the body, so it is vital that the immune system pathways – predominantly regulated by your lymphatic system – are flowing freely.

When the body detects an invader, be it bacteria, viruses or dead cell waste, it’ll trigger your immune system to produce highly specialised white blood cells known as lymphocytes, that are produced in your lymph nodes, located at specific sites throughout your body. They leave the lymph nodes and are transported, via lymphatic fluid, to the place in the body where the invader was detected.

The invaders are then engulfed and digested in the lymph nodes. This is why your ‘glands’ can become swollen when you have an infection; they are at full fighting capacity. But it’s not just the risk of infection that is cause for concern when it comes to having a sluggish lymphatic system.

Build-up of toxins and waste in the body tissues can also cause illness and fatigue. General day-to-day waste products need to make their way out the body through our detox pathways; the lymphatic system is a major component in the transportation of waste products.

But maintaining a healthy lymphatic system requires movement. Good nutrition, breathwork and plenty of water also help to keep it flowing freely. This is why immunity and breathing are closely linked; breathing is movement. In the same way the heart pumps blood around the body, deep breaths pump lymph fluid and boost our immunity. Our lifestyle predisposes us to poor movement patterns, we need to take back our health and start to include behaviours that will boost our lymphatic system and in turn boost our immune system. Here are my 10 top tips to hack your lymphatic system and boost immunity naturally:

1. Breathwork All you need to do is breathe deeply in through the nose and hold for four counts, then exhale through the mouth for two counts. Repeat two or three times several times a day. You can do this either sitting or lying down. As you get better at this, you can increase the time. If you are new to breathwork, I encourage you to join my guided live group classes here.

2. Move More Your lymphatic system loves movement so try to squeeze in as many movements as you can throughout the day. It does not have to be exercise, but that would be great, simply getting up and moving around for a few minutes a couple of times a day can work wonders for your lymphatic system. To supercharge the benefits, move for extended periods, such as 20 to 30 minutes - a brisk walk where you swing your arms vigorously is great for getting your lymph fluid moving.  On the days where movement is really hard to fit in, I recommend using cutting-edge technology devices such as BodyBallancer to boost your lymphatic drainage.

3. Jump to it Channel your inner child (yes that’s a thing) and awaken that curious side of you with a few minutes on a trampoline, or some vigorous skipping; both are a really fun way to boost your lymphatic system, as well as providing a fantastic cardio workout. If the concept of channeling your inner child is new to you but your curiosity is piqued, do join my next group inner child meditation.

4. Daily flexibility Stretching helps keep your fascia (the connective tissue) supple, healthy and flexible. Stretches that focus on your neck, shoulders, ankles and wrists are the areas that are most taxed when working at a desk and where blood and lymph flow can become restricted. Figure of eight wrist and neck rolls or ankle raises are effective stretches for boosting lymphatic flow in this area.

5. Get your core moving There are a high concentration of lymphatic vessels in the abdomen and by engaging your core muscles you help promote blood and lymph flow. Core exercises will also improve the health of all your other organs in and around your core. Try lying down and doing three sets of ten crunches per day to help boost lymph flow.

6. Find your peaceful place Stress can be major contributor to poor lymphatic health. Regularly engage in peaceful practices such as meditation, yoga, pilates, yoga nidra, and napping - they’re powerful ways to reduce stress and anxiety. If you’d like to try our some yoga nidra, try out my free recording.

7. Get brushing! When you brush your hair, don’t forget to brush your skin too! We all brush our hair and teeth but very few of us brush our skin. Dry skin brushing is a great way to release toxins by stimulating the tiny lymphatic vessels that sit just below the skin. This is best done first thing in the morning before showering.

8. Face Yoga Yes you can do yoga on your face! Our face has many muscles and face yoga exercises can help to boost collagen, release tension, stimulate lymphatic drainage, improve skin elasticity and can help to prevent premature skin ageing. I love using jade or derma rollers after my face yoga practice to improve the skin’s health and radiance.

9. Drink extra fluid Water is your best ally when it comes to the lymphatic system. Lymphatic fluid is 96% water, even mild to moderate dehydration can have a significant effect, causing stagnation and congestion. Often times we are feeling hungry when we are simply dehydrated - before reaching for the food cupboard or drawer, be sure to drink plenty of water first and wait before eating. Chances are you won’t be hungry anymore! Always drink before meals rather than during meals and adding a bit of freshly squeezed lemon first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day!

10. Eat wisely Choose whole food over processed food to ease off the detoxifying burden of your lymphatic system and avoid sugary and processed additive-laden foods (ready meals, fizzy drinks, confectionery). All the fillers, binders and preservatives in processed foods can over time seriously overburden your digestive system and detoxification pathways, which negatively impacts your lymphatic health. Choose natural whole food instead, such as unprocessed meat, fish, egg, fruits and good fats.

Lysanne Currie

Lysanne Currie founded Meet the Leader to help business leaders tell their own stories through print, video and digital. She also interviews them and writes about their travel experiences and lifestyle for a variety of luxury magazines including Tempus, Victor, Robb Report UK, The Ethicalist, Luxury Spa Edit, Investec’s digital magazine The Stand and Meet The Leaders own digital magazine. She was previously head of content at the Institute of Directors and editor in chief of their glossy business magazine, Director.


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